Quality & Safety Policies

Chin DBC

Quality policy

We believe that its market expects a continually improving service. We aim to continually improve the service we provide to meet our clients requirements and to produce finished work that we can justifiably be proud of.

  • Procurement of right and standard materials as per the specification.
  • Process for ensuring quality in work.
  • Testing equipments is sites as per the requirements.
  • Testing also will be done with approved testing center.
  • Controlling.
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Chin DBC

Safety policy

Manpower is the most valuable resource. To ensure a safe workplace for our staff and also to protect client's investments and facilities, our team evolved a strong health and safety culture to achieve zero accidents. The safety culture has been instilled in our employees with the conviction that every accident is preventable. Some of our procedures are,

  • Use of full range personal protective equipments (PPE's)
  • Use of safe tool and equipments
  • Trained and competent staffs
  • Regular on site safety audits
Chin DBC

Safety Measures taken

  • Arrangements will be made for a safety and health monitoring of the site on a regular basis. This will include, not only ensuring the safety of such items as scaffolding excavations and plant but also environmental matter such as hazardous dust fume noise etc.
  • Appropriate precautions and work methods for identified hazards
  • Fire precaution and emergency procedures will be explained to all workers
  • Daily safety check list will be followed
  • Required number of first aid boxes will be provided with trained first aid person
  • An adequate supply of potable water will be provided for labours
  • Fire check list will be followed to prevent fire accidents
  • Suitable personal protective equipments will be provided to the workers
  • We shall erect and maintain barricades required in connection with operations to protect
  • Handling and storage of materials will be proper, flammable materials shall be kept in properly sealed and close container
  • For workers, there will be provided and maintained at suitable places, easily accessible to labour, a sufficient facilities such as water, washing, urinals etc
  • Prescribed safety formats will be followed for consideration of safety and health
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